Making a Weekly Schedule

In week one, we took time to notice the different spaces in your classroom and made several to-do lists. On day 5, the goal is to make a schedule using those lists. Use those lists to decide which area of the room you will tackle on each day of the week. Make this a set schedule. I use a printable planner and at the bottom of every Monday space, I have written “Sink Wall” which is the name of my “area 1” . That is the minor reminder that keeps me focused and allows my check-list brain to cross something off to feel like I have accomplished a task for the day. I do not get specific on that schedule. It is mainly a visible reminder that I have set aside each day for an area of the room and it’s consistent. I know I will come back to each area once a week and it will stay clean and organized with this method.

Monday: Area 1 (declutter, deep clean, purge, or maintenance)

Tuesday: Area 2 (declutter, deep clean, purge, or maintenance)

Wednesday: Area 3 (declutter, deep clean, purge, or maintenance)

Thursday: Area 4 (declutter, deep clean, purge, or maintenance)

Friday: Area 5 (declutter, deep clean, purge, or maintenance)

I know many people like to buy a fancy planner, or digitize theirs. I like to physically write things down on paper. I find that the old-school planner I stapled together allows me to pull off the page at the end of the week and throw it away. There is something weirdly satisfying as we approach the end of the school year and there are only a few pages left in my planner. Once I decided which area of the room I would focus on for each day of the week, I wrote that general plan on those days and then photo copied the pages into 37 weeks for the school year. For me, it works. But, whatever your system is, write down your plan.

Want to see me complete this project? Find me on Patreon for access to my videos where I show you what it looks like to implement this system. Classroom Cleanup on Patreon


4 Stages of Cleaning


Decluttering Any Space